What is web development? How can i be a web developer? What languages to learn?

Web development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet. The web development process includes web designweb content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.

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There are mainly 3 types of web developers - 

  1. Front-end web development - Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.
    It is the page which we see on opening any site i.e it's design where elements are positioned on website.
  2. Back-end web development - Back-end web development, also known as server-side development is the skill that powers the webBack-end development languages handle the 'behind-the-scenes' functionality of web applications. It's code that connects the web to a database, manages user connections, and powers the web application itself.
  3. Full-stack web development - Full-Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application.

Now i am giving example to explain above three - 

  1. If you open a website facebook then what design you see on it like form to signin/signup are all front-end web developer work. And you click signin without entering email and password so it will show you complete all fields is client-side scripting, done by front-end web developer.

  2. Now to enter your email id and password to login into facebook.So, on click event(i.e on clicking signin) what will happen that how data will go to server and compare your email and password that is stored in facebook's database(It stores your data during signup is also a back-end developer work). And if email/password is wrong it will not login. All these work is done by back-end developer.

  3. Full-stack developer has to work on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application.
Now which languages to learn for which developer - 

  1. Front-end web development - Html, Css, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax. In now a days Angularjs, reactjs, vuejs are in high demand.
  2. Back-end web development - Php, Django (python framework), Ruby on rails. In now a days Nodejs/expressjs are in high demand.

  • You also need to learn some data base languages with back-end web development.
    Like- Mysql for Php, Mongodb for nodejs/expressjs.
     3. Full-stack web development - Above languages.

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Web Development has a bright future and going nowhere unless we stop using web/internet.

Feel free to ask any doubt.

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