What is Artificial Intelligence? How do i get into A.I field? What Programming languages to learn?

In now a days, we all know we all are spending a lot of time on internet on various websites like- Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Amazon, Netflix, Youtube etc.

Every day we are producing millions of data like - Liking the video on Youtube/movies on Netflix, Purchasing a product from Amazon/Flipkart, Adding our content/ photos/ videos/ data on Facebook/Instagram/TikTok.

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But how this data can be used ?

For eg- 

  • If we visit amazon site and add a watch to cart (adding to cart is generating data) and then turns our mind not to purchase it. So after closing that site if we open our facebook, the add of that watch will be shown to us and also if we move to others websites that add will be shown to us again and again so that we can change our mind to buy that watch.
  • You can also see that videos are not directly ranked on youtube on the basis of views and likes only there are many other factors like – quality, watch time etc. Which computer performs on the basics of data which we users are generating.
  • Now a days we can see Image recognition, in which we are inserting the images (may be millions of images) and training the machine for that data/images and making predictions on the basis of that to recognise correctly. It learns from previous images shown to it like child learns.
    Same is with voice recognition.

  • Google gmail fillers our spam mails on the basis of previous data of spam mails, means it learns from previous mails shown to it i.e what is the structure of spam mails.

And many more...

There are many different ways and Algorithms from which it can be done.
So, here comes wide field Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is a wide field consist works of different types of engineers like –
  • Mechanical engineer for building motors for machines/robots.
  • Electrical engineer for building and designing electrical circuits.
  • And finally, for the core programming for its brain we need our Computer Science engineer.

Artificial Intelligence is divided into sub categories as shown –

Image result for artificial intelligence vs machine learning vs deep learning
In Computer science we mainly deal with Machine learning and Deep learning.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.

Now there are mainly three types of machine learning -

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Reinforcement Learning
I am not going into deep in these three and make separate post on these.

As all these involves different and complex Algorithms like- Linear Regression, K-means, Clustering etc.

Now about programming languages used to learn Machine Learning - 

Python is widely used for machine learning.

We don't use directly python we mainly uses it's library like-

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Tensor Flow
  • Matplotlib

And we use Jupiter notebook(software) for development.

Machine Learning requires quite complex math topics like - 
  • Statics
  • Probability
  • Linear Algebra
  • Vectors
  • Matrices
  • Calculus
  • And Basic Mathematics.

Image result for mathematics for machine learning
                                                        AI as Destruction-

Image result for ai destroying humanity

Many peoples says that A.I will destroy humanity and will lead no jobs for humans as machines will do all work then,
But peoples were also saying this at the time of invention of computer, So, what happens it creates a lots of opportunity for jobs in different areas without taking our place. So, be positive. Future will be good as we will make it good.

You can start learning machine learning yourself. There are many free/paid online courses out there.

There is a huge demand of machine learning/data scientist/ artificial intelligence out there.

Good Luck!!!
Feel free to ask any doubt.

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